Connecting with the global mobility community


TBB Co-CEO Madeline Holland was recently a guest on LOVE + RELO with Ben Cross, a broadcast interview series focused on the perspectives and experiences of those working in the global mobility industry.

Madeline gives an excellent overview of TBB in this entertaining and interactive chat (and shares some controversial opinions about coffee!) The whole interview is well worth a listen! But if you’re short on time you can skip to the highlights:

5:57: Why are some people surprised by the notion that refugees can be skilled professionals?

14.23: How does the TBB process work? Madeline talks Ben through exactly what happens when an employer like him expresses interest in hiring a skilled refugee.

18.06: Ben is shocked to learn about the very real barriers that prevent refugees from travelling for work.

28.15: Hear TBB’s origin story! Madeline shares the ‘ah-ha’ moment that prompted our founders to start Talent Beyond Boundaries.

46.29: In a touching moment, Madeline explains what draws her to this work on a personal level, and shares a quote she’ll never be able to forget from a refugee she met in Kenya.

52.33: A glimpse behind the curtain: it’s not all rainbows and sunshine! Madeline admits that one of the first visas that TBB applied for, failed! Learn about the challenges we’re up against.

53.39: Madeline’s top 5 ways to take a coffee! What do you think about #1?

Want more? Check out other recent interviews with TBB staff:

Marina Brizar (TBB UK Director) features on the Inspire Podcast with David Berks.

Steph Cousins (TBB Co-CEO) features on the Leadership Is Changing podcast with Denis Gianoutsos

John Cameron (TBB Co-Founder and CTO) features on the GMI Rocket Show with Roman Zelichenko


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